The International Network for Acid Prevention
An organization of international mining companies dedicated to reducing
liabilities associated with sulphide mine materials.

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July 2011

The first update of the GARD Guide will be completed by Fall of 2011. It will focus on four chapters: Chapter 4 - Characterization, Chapter 5 - Prediction, Chapter 6 - Prevention and Mitigation, Chapter 7 - Treatment. Suggestions, comments and concerns directed toward these chapters have been collected by the GARD Guide Secretariat and submitted to outside consultants who will integrate and up-grade the content. In addition to the revision of these chapters, the number of mini-case studies throughout the GARD Guide will be expanded. This up-grade will also include a number of "tool boxes" to enhance the value of the GARD Guide to mining operators.

The Executive Summary has been translated into Spanish and French.

December, 2010

Over 24 presentations or short courses related to the GARD Guide have been presented in Canada, the United States, Brazil, Chile, South Africa and Europe during 2010.

September 1, 2009

The GARD Guide was launched at the 8th ICARD at the end of June 2009 and was enthusiastically received at the official roll-out.  It will help industry to provide high levels of environmental protection, support government efforts in assessing and regulating mine reclamation, and enable the public to gain a higher degree of understanding of acid prevention plans and practices.

Much information on ARD has been researched by members of organizations such as INAP, MEND, IMWA, ADTI, SMIKT, WRC, and PADRE.  This valuable knowledge has been compiled into the over 700 pages of the GARD Guide so that it is accessible to practitioners around the globe.  It is available at

The GARD Guide was created through the contributions of many individuals and organizations.  A team lead by Golder Associates prepared a draft of the Guide in 2008.  INAP also received input from other contributors, peer reviewers, workshop participants, and interested stakeholders. INAP gratefully acknowledges all of this assistance.


April 10, 2009

The International Network for Acid Prevention is pleased to announce that the draft 'Global Acid Rock Drainage Guide' is ready for review and comments.  It is located at  The GARD Guide is designed to be a world-wide reference for acid prevention and to identify BEST Practice in the field of ARD.  Consolidating the vast global knowledge on ARD management into a single document has not been an easy task.  In creating a truly global guide, experts from several countries have contributed their knowledge to the development of the Guide.

Funding and sponsorship is of course also crucial to ensure successful completion of the project.  INAP has committed a significant amount of its own funds to the project and is continuing to seek other sponsors.

A tremendous "THANK YOU!" goes out to all of those who have assisted in Phase I of the project, and especially to Keith Ferguson for his willingness to take on such a daunting assignment.  We also look forward to continued support for current and future phases through completion of the project.

Project updates will be readily available in our newsletters and on the GARD Guide web page of the INAP web site.  If you have questions concerning the project, please contact the INAP Administrator or the INAP Technical Manager


November 26, 2008

INAP's Global Acid Rock Drainage (GARD) Guide project continues to advance. The Golder Associates team delivered the “initial beta” version of the Guide to INAP in June 2008. The INAP OpCom and GARD Guide Steering and Advisory Committees and selected external consultants reviewed the document and provided comments and contributions. INAP also sponsored workshops in partnership with ADTI/US EPA in Denver , Colorado and the South Africa Water Resources Commission in Johannesburg , South Africa to review selected chapters. The workshops were very well attended and excellent input was obtained on the Guide.


All of the comments received on the initial beta version are currently being reviewed and consolidated with seven of the ten chapters of the Guide forwarded to Golder for revisions. Golder will produce a revised version (Rev A) of the Guide by the end of November 2008.


INAP in partnership with the Global Alliance will hold a half-day workshop on December 2 in Vancouver, BC to review key aspects of Rev A focusing in particular on further “how to” guidance for managing ARD.


A technical editor from Golder will review the Guide in January 2009 and format the document for porting to the internet in a “Wiki” style. The Guide should be available for broad stakeholder review via the internet on INAP's website in early February 2009.


INAP plans to hold additional workshops on the Guide in Europe, Australia and South America in 2009. An updated version of the GARD Guide will be produced in May 2009 and formally launched at the 8 th ICARD conference to be held June 23-26 in Skelleftea , Sweden .


INAP would like to thank all of those who have contributed to the development of the GARD Guide to date and is very pleased with the level of interest in the project.



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